Value added projects in Silicone injection molding - A Chance! - A Challenge?


LSR Conference in Minneapolis from 14-15 October 2024
Speaker: Joachim Kruder



Value added projects in Silicone injection molding – A Chance! – A Challenge?



Let’s have a look on a value-added project in Silicone injection molding from the first requirements via growing and expanding needs to what such a production cell looks like at the Start of Production.
How to handle continuously changing market environments in new market segments. All of this, while adding to the everlasting needs to implement new processes and deal with new project partners in an economically solid and timely fashion. Let’s talk about the need for open communications between all involved partners, to deal most flexible with Requirement engineering for the complete manufacturing process. Furthermore, the more complex the production cell is, the more complex is also the start-up of such a cell and thus, needs to be handled in a way that allows quick start-up times even after an unplanned production stop.